Together we can always do more
Tuesday, 15. November 2022
See you 3. During the fall Belgrade Half Marathon, a workshop was held with all partners of the Belgrade Marathon Club, entitled “TOGETHER WE CAN ALWAYS DO MORE”.
At the working meeting, the business and marketing potential of the Belgrade Marathon on the annual level were presented in detail, the changes that have already started, and the possibilities for further progress and achieving even better business and sports results were discussed. Also, a part of the meeting was dedicated to the arrangements for the upcoming, 3. Autumn Belgrade Half Marathon, which will be held on Sunday 27 November 2022 years. In front of the Belgrade Marathon, director Darko Habuš, sports director Aleksandar Marinković, advisor for business development Filip Sunturlić and advisor for communications and PR Milica Bajković spoke with the gathered representatives of the partners.

The goal of this type of joint gathering is motivated by the improvement of communication between the Belgrade Marathon and its partners, but also between the partners themselves, in order to use the marketing and communication potential of the platform offered by the Belgrade Marathon in the best way and help achieve all the goals set in the coming period – and it is firstly the satisfaction of the runners, their health and safety, and then the increase in the number of fans and the content that animates them.

The workshop was held on November 14, 2022. in the Mona Plaza Hotel, and gathered representatives of the existing partners of the Belgrade Marathon, such as Mladen Dokić from Mercator S, Dragan Ocokoljić from SAVA Insurance, Jovana Stevanović from Knjaz Miloš, Biljana Korica from Poštanska Štedionica, Dragan Vukotić from UNHCR -, Jelena Radivojević from SOSIB, Aleksandar Stanojević from Special Olympics, Petar Platiša from Mona Plaza, as well as potential partners such as Senka Nikolić, representative of Dexy co and Vuk Brajović from Viber.